Sunday, 3 May 2020

[K-Movie Review] Parasite

This movie had won many awards including the first foreign movie to win "Best Picture" at the Oscars. I was so excited to watch this movie and here is my review!

The story is really clever, it does do a good job on showing two sides of society the rich and poor.
It starts off as a like comedy / drama then slowly gets darker then becomes a thriller which it starts to explode. It was a very good build up for the most part.

My few issues where the film did not demonstrate/show where it was left to us to assume and even our own interpretations on certain things. The biggest issue was the transitions (especially later on) into each act as it did not feel smooth which sort of breaks the immersion.

Acting / Cast:
A great cast which was what made the film, all the characters felt right and well acted and kept to the tone of Parasite.


It is a very good movie for sure but I would not call it the best K-Movie or a masterpiece.
Despite some of my feelings on the movie, it is a movie I would recommend to watch at some point.

My Score : 8.5/10 (I like it)

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