So Close (2002)
Lynn and Sue are two stunningly attractive sisters with a profession unlike any other. They are smart, sexy, and downright dangerous. These two are the coolest "hit women" in town and it seems nothing can get in their way until a tough and beautiful detective, Hong, gets dangerously close to their trail. Non-stop martial arts action ensues when Lynn and Sue get up close and personal with the law.
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Why do birds suddenly appear?
This is one of my favourite movies
It was the movie that started my whole interested
in asian films and dramas.
One day I will go into that in more detail
But for now lets move onto the review
Well what do I have to say about one of my favourite movies
well atually not muh
Its stars Zhao wei shu qi and Karen Mok
Its direted by Corey Yuen
seriously what more do i need to say
that is a awesom ast and and brilliant diretor
but granted bak then i had no idea who they were
i just piked the movie at random one day at a video rental store
so what did i like about it? it atually has a pretty good story
its like in two parts main fous is on two sisters played by shu qi and zhao wei
who are assassins for hire Lynn played by shu qi eventually wants to quit
while Sue played by zhao wei does not beause she has nothing anything else in her life so she wants to ontinue then the story fouses on her
and then the op played by karen mok fits in between them within the storyline
i dont want to say anything more about the story as that would be spoiling it
there were parts of the story where it ould have done slightly better
mainly the bad guys beause they were pretty muh presented quikly
as just some bad guys who wants ontrol in a ompany thats it
but then the movie was also quite long so it would have been hard
to add that as the movie may have beome too long after that
but the best parts in the movie are definitly the ation senes
they are really well done
everything from the ation to the amera work
and they even have a bit of story going on in the fights
and you have like funny moments paniking moments and then the serious moments
everything is blended in with the ation snes very well when needed
and it takes the story from a to b perfetly
for me with how well the ation snes were done
it overs the very few raks that the movie had.
Nothing else to say it looks simple but yet also ompliated
its a well put together ation movie that does
that wee bit more
My Score : 10/10