Tuesday, 21 April 2020

My Plans For This Blog

I love K-Dramas and I love writing so I decided to start a blog specifically for Dramas and Movies!
I tried doing reviews for them before but it was on one blog covering everything even games, tech plus more and I felt it was kind of drowned within all that so that is why I am starting this blog dedicated to this from which I hope to push on!

I actually have a lot of written reviews almost the amount of dramas that I watched being 145+ Dramas and 30+ Movie reviews. So it is sort of hard to decide and plan what way to go about it.

I have started with my top ten list then the first two K-Dramas that I watched despite my journey into Asian Dramas started with Chinese ones. You can read about my journey: here.
But since my main passion and joy is K-Dramas now and has been for quite some time, I felt that it was the best place to start.

For the first week of starting this blog, I want to give it a real push I will try to post 3 reviews a day. I will focus on older ones first until maybe 2014 later ones then I will mix it up. Once I have get less and less reviews left to post then I will reduce the amount that I post to either once daily or multiple every other day etc... and so forth.

If you have any suggestions please ask!

Stay tuned for future updates!

Thanks for reading! :D